How Vinyl Toys are Made?

At Demeng Toy, we blend artistry with precision engineering to create distinctive vinyl toys that captivate and delight collectors and enthusiasts alike. Understanding the manufacturing process can enhance your appreciation for the final product and provide insights into the careful consideration and craftsmanship that goes into each piece. This blog post takes you behind the scenes of our production process, from initial concept to the final, shelf-ready product.

Step 1: Concept and Design

Every vinyl toy begins as an idea. Artists and designers collaborate closely with our team to refine their concepts into detailed designs. This stage involves sketching, character development, and ultimately, creating detailed digital 3D models. These models are crucial as they serve as the blueprint for the entire manufacturing process.

Step 2: Sculpting and Prototyping

Once the design is locked down, we move on to sculpting. Initially, a master mold is crafted, typically using clay or a similar medium. This physical model is then digitized using 3D scanning technology to ensure every nuance of the artist's original vision is captured. From this digital model, a prototype is produced, usually via 3D printing or a similar rapid prototyping technique. This prototype is essential for reviewing the design's feasibility and aesthetics before mass production begins.

Step 3: Creating the Molds

After the prototype is approved, production molds are made. These molds are typically crafted from aluminum because it's durable and can withstand the high temperatures used in the vinyl casting process. The creation of molds is a critical phase, as a high-quality mold ensures high-quality reproductions of the toy.

Step 4: Casting

Vinyl toy production primarily involves a process called rotocasting or rotational molding. Liquid vinyl is poured into the mold, which is then heated and rotated simultaneously. This method ensures that the vinyl coats the interior of the mold evenly, creating hollow, lightweight, and uniformly thick pieces. After the vinyl cures and cools, the mold is opened to reveal the toy part.

Step 5: Trimming and Assembly

The individual parts of the toy, such as arms, legs, and heads, often come out of the mold requiring some trimming to remove excess material. Once trimmed, the parts are assembled to form the final toy. This assembly might be done manually, ensuring that each toy fits together perfectly.

Step 6: Painting and Detailing

After assembly, toys are hand-painted and detailed according to the artist’s specifications. This stage is where the toy truly starts to come to life, with each stroke adding personality and flair. At Demeng Toy, we pride ourselves on the quality of our finishing touches, which are applied by skilled artisans who understand the importance of fidelity to the original design.

Step 7: Quality Control and Packaging

Quality control is paramount at Demeng Toy. Each batch of toys is inspected to ensure they meet our high standards for quality and durability. Once approved, toys are packaged with branding and protective materials to ensure they arrive in pristine condition to customers and collectors.


The manufacturing process of vinyl toys at Demeng Toy is a meticulous blend of art and engineering. Each step, from design to packaging, is handled with the utmost care to ensure that every toy we produce is a work of art. Understanding these steps not only helps in appreciating the complexity involved in the production of vinyl toys but also underscores our commitment to quality and creativity.

By choosing Demeng Toy, you're not just buying a toy; you're investing in a piece of art crafted with passion and precision. Whether you're a collector, a designer looking to bring your creations to life, or a brand wanting to make a statement with custom merchandise, we are here to make your vision a reality with unparalleled expertise and dedication.